Change Log
CEE Fare Builder Change log
Current version 1.1
Version (released 20FEB25):
Fixed rights of Smartpoint shortcut script in INNO
Updated external DLL's.
Version (released 12FEB25):
Fixed three characters PCC rights verification
INNO installation scrit update.
Version (released 14JAN25):
User Guide URL link update.
Version (released 13JAN25):
Improved PCC detection for authorization process.
Version (released 13JAN25):
Improve of Fare Builder logging functionality.
Authorization security improve.
Adding GitBook User Guide link to the user interface.
Fare Builder User Guide update.
Version (released 12DEC24):
Fixed tables size in GUI.
Fixed Fare Build confirmation, when RULE/RULA is mandatory.
Version (released 27NOV24):
Fixed logging issues with AWS CloudWatch.
Resolved an issue where the uninstallation link disappeared in Windows 11.
Updated the fare build failure warning message to include a list of errors.
Modified the logic for Ticket Modifiers (TMU) processing: - Fare Builder now retrieves the fare masks index first. - The errors list is displayed at the end of TMU processing.
Version (released 25NOV24):
Fare Calculation Date modification also involves tax calculation.
Calendar is inaccessible for 1A printout processing.
Version (released 24NOV24):
Instal the #FB Smartpoint Quick Command option added to the installer.
Version (released 22NOV24):
Added option to change the Currency of Payment and Fare Currency.
Added a calendar to select the fare conversion date.
Major update to the Graphical User Interface.
Added a script to the application installer to create a Fare Builder shortcut in Smartpoint Quick Commands.
Version (released 16NOV24):
Fixed missing binding of Ticket Designator entry box.
Added retries of FQTE-00/Px taxes retrieve with other passenger indexes, if current passenger fails.
Version (released 07NOV24):
Removed detection of „THIS BF IS CURRENTLY IN USE” host reply.
Added detection and handling of „SIMULTANEUS CHANGES IN PROGRES” host reply.
Fixed Ticket Total (TTL) value calculation after manual EQU Fare update.
Added new comments for Fare conversion type and direction.
Version (released 28OCT24):
Updated Tax reset feature: Fare and ROE are no longer erased.
Replaced both asterisk and slash characters with a dash in Endorsement Remarks bookings.
Updated handling of all host communication exceptions.
Version (released 13OCT24):
First production issue.
Secured all external communication links.
Fixed minor errors.
Many updates to application GUI.
Version Beta (released 25SEP24):
Fixed TMU updates for IT/BT.
Clearing Fare Basis and Bag columns for next PAX group booking.
Minor changes to application communication messages.
Version Beta (released 24SEP24):
Fixed missing Serilog DLL fake error.
Fixed Fare Basis parsing from 1A Fare Printout.
Fixed Fare validation for al types PAX.
Improved GUI.
Minor changes to application communication messages.
Version Beta (released 18SEP24):
Fixed missing DLL’s.
Version Beta (released 15SEP24):
Added Fare Builder logging to the AWS CloudWatch.
Processing of different types of Passengers.
New Graphical User Interface.
Version Beta (released 16JUL24):
Added functionality to read and process 1A Fare Printout.
Improved security of PCC authorization process.
Version Beta (released 07JUL24):
New application icon.
Added radio buttons to select between IT and BT codes for Fare Construction and TMU.
Added box for TC Tour Code data.
Issuing TMU Ticket Modifiers commands after Filed Fare validation.
Checking CEE AWS S3 database if PCC is authorized for fare booking. If not, Fare Builder runs in Demo mode.
Version Beta (released 27JUN24):
Added option to add/delete tax from the list.
Locking FC validation until all stopover cells are filled in.
Plating carrier validation requires two characters entry in PC box.
Version Beta (released 10JUN24):
Next testing build.
Both Fare/EQU and EQU/Fare two-way conversion is back again.
Corrected currency conversion according to >FZS.
Removed TD entry box.
Version Beta (released 10JUN24):
Rewritten fare conversion logic, EQU/Fare conversion removed.
Added TD box for global Ticket Designator entry.
Version Beta (released 03JUN24):
Intercepting Terminal window closing.
Version Beta (released 03JUN24):
Changing Fare / EQU Fare calculation logic.
Adding functionality to handle mandatory decimal places.
Moving Stopover selection one row up to the flight arrival.
Making Stopover values O/X mandatory.
New Flight list, including Arrivals.
Country column removed.
Detection and highlighting Surface segments.
Adding Airport, City and Country information box as Airport tool tips.
New FC Fare construction compiler, processing also surface segments.
Mandatory Check box to confirm Fare construction string.
Checking allowed Baggage codes.
Creating qualified logic to select Plating Carrier from the Flight list.
Immediate Total Taxes and Ticket Total recalculation after particular Tax update.
Minor adjustments, changing labels wording.
Version Beta (released 14MAY24):
Asterisk substitution to dash in FBUEB/ Endorsement command string.
Version Beta (released 14MAY24):
Initial release for beta testing.
Last updated