Application Screen Description
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Note: This sample displays all available controls; however, only the relevant buttons and control groups will be active based on the current state of the Fare Builder.
Retrieve PNR Initiates user authorization and retrieves all segments and passengers from the open PNR.
Read 1A Printout Reads the Amadeus TST and initiates the Fare Quote processing. It is only available when all passengers in the booking are adults.
Restart Fare Builder Restarts the Fare Builder, equivalent to closing and reopening the application.
Exit Exit button closes Fare Builder, equivalent to clicking the „X“ in the top-right corner of the application window.
Create Filed Fare Mask Initiates the fare filing process for the selected passenger group.
Selected Displays the indexes of selected passengers to be included in a single Filed Fare mask.
INF Count Shows the number of booked infants.
Select INF Button to select infants from the list.
CHD Count Displays the number of booked children.
Select CHD Button to select children from the list.
ADT Count Displays the number of booked adults.
Select ADT Button to select adults from the list.
Note: Selection buttons are activated only when the corresponding passengers are present on the list.
Deselect All Button to clear all selections in the passengers list.
Confirm Selection Button to confirm the selected passengers. Passenger selection must always be confirmed, even if all passengers share the same PTC (Passenger Type Code), e.g., ADT. Once confirmed, some ticketing data (e.g., taxes) is automatically retrieved from Galileo, while remaining details must be manually entered by the agent.
Passenger list (1) The list of passengers retrieved from the Galileo PNR. The table allows changes to passenger types and the selection of specific passengers for further fare processing. Note: Passenger type selection is permitted only during the first group processing.
Plating Carrier The validating carrier is added automatically but must be verified by the agent. If correct, it must be confirmed in the checkbox. If not, the agent can manually change it.
Confirm Checkbox The plating carrier must be checked and confirmed by the agent.
PNR overview (2) Displays the PNR record locator and the number of booked seats.
PNR Flight Segments (3) Itinerary copied from the PNR as the first step after activating the Retrieve PNR button. Details:
Flight – RBD: The first 7 columns are for viewing only and cannot be modified.
Fare Basis: Enter the fare basis code without the ticket designator (information after a slash (/) will be placed in another field).
NVB/NVA: „Not Valid Before” / „Not Valid After” dates are automatically added based on flight dates but can be manually changed.
BAG: Only baggage codes accepted by Galileo are allowed.
Stopover: Only characters „X” (for no stopover) and „O” (for stopover) are allowed, and they are mandatory. Stopover or no stopover indicators are automatically copied and displayed in the Fare Calculation area (FC). Attention: Stopover marks are shifted one line up (to the arrivals), compared to Galileo FBC manual mask or the Amadeus TST printout!
Currency of Payment Mandatory and automatically set based on the local currency. It can be changed to another currency, e.g. USD or EUR, if these currencies are permitted for payment in a specific country. If such a change is made, the tax amounts will also be converted to the selected currency.
Fare Calculation Date The default date is set to today, but it can be changed if necessary, depending on the date when the group fare was agreed by the carrier.
Fare The currency code is determined by Fare Builder based on the itinerary (country of origin). The fare amount must be entered manually, or will be automatically calculated when only EQU value is entered.
EQU (equivalent fare) The equivalent in the currency of payment (optional). This field is not displayed if the currency of payment matches the fare currency. If the group fare value is provided by the carrier in the currency of payment and entered to the Equivalent field, the conversion to the fare is done automatically but can be manually adjusted by the agent.
Conversion message The method used for the conversion is shown here.
Tax table (5) Tax codes and values are automatically populated, but can be manually adjusted afterwards. There is a maximum of 20 taxes allowed in Galileo, and duplicate tax codes are not permitted.
IT/BT selection Option to select between IT (Inclusive Tour) and BT (Bulk Tour) values. Default value is IT.
Suppress Fare IT/BT In case of IT/BT tickets, the fare and equivalent amounts are not shown on the ticket. Default value is IT/BT selected.
Fare Construction (FC) Details regarding fare calculation, generated automatically based on the itinerary. It can be manually updated. This field is mandatory.
Check and Confirm FC he Fare Construction must be double-checked and confirmed by the agent.
Endorsement Remarks (EB) Field for adding endorsement/restrictions.
Tour Code (TC) Field for adding a tour code (maximum 14 characters).
Ticked Designator (TD) The ticket designator is shown on the ticket next to the fare basis, separated by a slash. For infants and children, IN or CH are automatically added to the TD field. Note: The maximum length for the TD field is 13 characters.
PFC Tax Breakdown (XF) Breakdown of PFC taxes, automatically generated for a single XF tax. If there are multiple, they must be manually added.
TB1 Tax Breakdown (ZP) Breakdown of ZP taxes, semi-automatic processing similar to the XF tax.
Rate of Exchange (ROE) ROE is used to convert the NUC (Neutral Unit of Construction) total to the fare and is part of the Fare Calculation area. This field is mandatory in manual masks, even if it is not shown on IT/BT tickets.
Total Taxes Total for taxes per passenger/ticket.
Ticket Total (TTL) The ticket total is automatically calculated.
There is a text box where the application displays information for agents, in different colors:
Blue: Advisories on the next recommended steps.
Orange: Application comments.
Yellow: Commands sent to the host.
Green: Host replies.
Red: Alerts.
White: Filtered Amadeus TST (Ticketing System Transaction) printout content.
Fare Builder workflow history can be reviewed in the Communication Window using the right hand vertical scrollbar.
User Guide link (7) (NEW) A link to the online Fare Builder User Guide. Clicking on the icon opens the User Guide in your web browser. Ensure that you have installed the latest version of Fare Builder.