Fare Build Processing
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This section provides a step-by-step guide on using the CEE Fare Builder.
To initiate the Fare Builder in Smartpoint, use the #FB entry.
Note: If the #FB shortcut is not available in Smartpoint, it must be installed by clicking "Add Fare Builder to Smartpoint Quick Commands" in the CEE Applications menu:
Before beginning work with the Fare Builder, ensure the following conditions are met:
A Galileo session is active in Smartpoint.
The relevant PNR (Passenger Name Record) has been opened in Smartpoint.
If these conditions are not satisfied, Fare Builder will display the appropriate warning messages to notify the user:
Once the prerequisites are met, the first action is to click the Retrieve PNR button. This is the only active button at this stage and awaits user interaction to proceed.
At this stage, Fare Builder retrieves and processes the booking and passenger list from the PNR. NVB/NVA dates are automatically calculated based on the departure dates of each flight segment.
The next step involves selecting the passenger group for further processing.
The agent must select a passenger group and click the Confirm Selection button to proceed, even if the group consists solely of adult passengers.
If the booking includes only adult passengers, Fare Builder offers an additional option to process the Amadeus Fare printout. This feature automatically generates a manual mask from a copied Amadeus TST (Ticketing System Transaction). For details, refer to next section.
Note: In cases where the PNR includes infants, children, and adults, they must be processed in a specific order:
Note: Passenger type editing is available for the first selection only. This option is disabled when selecting subsequent groups.
Fare Builder then retrieves the PNR data for the selected passenger group. Refer to the next section for detailed information.
Fare Builder performs the following actions during this stage:
Selecting Fare Currency The fare currency is determined based on the country of origin.
Determining the Plating Carrier Fare Builder identifies the plating carrier based on the itinerary details.
Retrieving Applicable Taxes and Currency of Payment Fare Builder retrieves all applicable taxes for the itinerary and determines the currency of payment in Galileo, getting the current tax amounts and currency valid for the selected passenger group.
Calculating the Rate of Exchange (ROE)
The ROE used to convert the fare to NUC (Neutral Unit of Construction) is automatically calculated using the >FZI
Fare Builder then prompts you to enter all missing data in the highlighted boxes.
Other data within the Fare Build Data group must be entered manually; refer to the next section for details.
Follow the steps below to complete the Fare Build Data.
Plating Carrier The validating carrier is automatically added by Fare Builder but can be modified manually. This field must be checked and confirmed by the agent.
Fare The fare currency defaults to the currency of the country of origin but can be adjusted as needed. The fare amount must be entered manually.
EQU (Equivalent) The equivalent field is used only when the currency of payment differs from the currency of the fare; otherwise, the EQU box is hidden. If the fare value is specified by the carrier in the currency of payment, the amount should be entered here. Conversion to the fare is done automatically.
Currency of Payment To adjust the currency of payment, update the currency code in the designated box and re-enter the fare data.
Taxes Fare Builder retrieves tax codes and values from Galileo. Taxes can also be modified manually, if required. For detailed description, refer to Section 5.
Fare Basis If the fare basis code is the same for all segments, it can be copied downward by clicking on the column header. Enter the fare basis code without the ticket designator (the information shown after a slash (/) on the ticket). Ticket designator should be placed in the separate TD field. The ticket designator will be automatically appended to the fare basis code separated by slash during fare mask processing.
NVB/NVA Not Valid Before (NVB) and Not Valid After (NVA) dates are calculated automatically based on the departure dates of each flight segment.
BAG (Baggage Allowance) The baggage allowance is verified by Fare Builder. Only valid codes accepted by Galileo can be used, such as: 0-9PC (pieces), 1-99K (kilograms), 1-99L (pounds), or NIL (no allowance). BAG code can be copied downward by clicking on the column header
Stopover This column accepts only the characters „X” (no stopover) or „O” (stopover). However, if a zero is entered, it is automatically converted to the character „O”. Keep in mind: Stopovers are shifted one line up (to the arrivals) compared to the Galileo FBC manual mask!
ROE (Rate of Exchange) The ROE is added automatically based on system calculations.
Fare Construction (FC) The fare construction is generated automatically based on the itinerary, stopovers, and the Suppress Fare IT/BT setting. It can also be modified manually. The FC must be confirmed by selecting the Check and Confirm FC checkbox. Attention: Any changes to stopovers or the IT/BT indicator will trigger a recalculation of the FC. Manual updates must be re-entered if this occurs.
Endorsement Remarks (EB) and Tour Code (TC) These fields are not handled automatically, and the data are added to the PNR after completing the fare filing process.
Ticket Designator (TD) This field is pre-filled with „IN“ for infants and „CH“ for children but can be edited manually if needed. During processing, Galileo combines the TD value with the Fare Basis by appending the TD value after the Fare Basis, separated by a slash (/).
PFC Tax Breakdown (XF) and TB1 Tax Breakdown (ZP) These are specific taxes applicable to certain U.S. airports. Galileo automatically generates these tax breakdowns for the first tax; additional occurrences must be entered manually, if necessary. For travel to/from USA, the PFC tax breakdown is mandatory.
When all fields are completed, the Create Filed Fare Mask button becomes active, allowing you to initiate the fare filing process for the current passenger group.
This process must be repeated for each passenger group until the fare filing is completed for all passengers.
After completing fare filing for the final group of passengers, Fare Builder prompts the user for confirmation:
Once the confirmation message is acknowledged, Fare Builder adds the Endorsement Remarks and Tour Code to the PNR and finalizes the process with an >ER