Automatic Fare Conversion
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When the Currency of Payment differs from the Fare currency, Fare Builder requires a conversion between fare and equivalent. This can be performed in both directions, from Fare to EQU or from EQU to Fare. Fare Builder also supports manually entered values when needed.
Enter the Fare amount in the Fare box. Fare Builder calculates the EQU amount in the Currency of Payment. „FZS conversion Fare > EQU” is displayed as conversion message. If the Fare Calculation Date is changed, the EQU value is automatically updated.
Enter the amount in the EQU box. Fare Builder calculates the Fare value in the currency of the country of origin. „FZS conversion EQU > Fare” is displayed as a conversion message. If the Fare Calculation Date is changed, the Fare value is automatically updated.
If automatic conversion is not required, both Fare and EQU values can be entered manually. „Manual conversion” is shown as a conversion message. In this case, both values remain unchanged after a Fare Calculation Date change.